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Sprachwelt.de - Sprachen (A-Z) - Schwedisch

Swedish Dictionary, English-Swedish, Swedish-English
Svensk Ordbok

Bild zum zum Vergrößern anklicken!

This compact and up-to-date, two-way dictionary provides a comprehensive and modern vocabulary, containing 85,000 headwords and phrases.

Features include:
  • A guide to Swedish pronunciation and inflexions
  • Important grammatical information - gender, plurals, past tense
  • Meaning and usage clearly signposted
  • Expressions and idioms of current written and spoken language
  • Extensive coverage of colloquial and slang registers
  • And full coverage with simplicity and clarity

Taylor & Francis, 2000, 922 S.
31,40 Euro
Hardcover, 85,000 headwords and phrases
ISBN: 978-0-415-13244-2

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