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Sprachwelt.de - Sprachen (A-Z) - Kisuaheli (Swahili)

D. V. Perrott, Joan Russell
Teach Yourself
Swahili Dictionary (Swahili-English/English-Swahili)

Bild zum zum Vergrößern anklicken!

Containing a comprehensive vocabulary for working Swahili, this dictionary includes approximately 14,000 headwords and a larger actual number of equivalents for everyday use. Special care has been taken to include words that are appropriate to life in East Africa so that this dictionary is extensive in its coverage but also concise and practical to use. A useful Swahili grammar and practical hints on pronunciation are also included at the beginning of the dictionary.

This edition has been updated to include the most recent usage of the language and reflect the considerable political, educational and scientific change since the 1960s. Because of the "semantic explosion" that has taken place in Swahili since then, some words have acquired additional meanings and many English loanwords have been added to the Swahili-English section.

Hodder Educational, 2003, 266 S.
15,60 Euro
Broschiert, Swahili and English Dictionary
ISBN: 978-0-340-86721-1

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