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Sprachwelt.de - Sprachen (A-Z) - Latein - Latein Wörterbücher

Rafael R. Duarte, Palma Iannarelli, Ramon Ribes
Scientific Biomedical English

Biomedical scientists are the most likely health care professionals to actually move to an English-speaking country to continue professional training and career-development. This book should help to apply for jobs, write résumés, face job interviews and settle into a new working environment in English. The practical approach of the units will boost the readers' self-confidence in their own English-capabilities. This book should help reducing the anticipated stress of having to learn important matters directly "on the job", and secure more efficient and productive communication from the start.

Written for:
  • Biomedical Scientists

  • Acronyms and Abbreviations
  • English Grammar
  • Laboratory Writing
  • Latin and Greek Terminology

Springer Berlin, 2009, 260 S.
26,70 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-77126-5

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