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Sprachwelt.de - Sprachen (A-Z) - Indonesisch (Bahasa Indonesia)

Christopher Byrnes, Eva Nyimas
Teach Yourself
Indonesian [2 Audio-CDs]

Although it is aimed at those with no previous knowledge, this course is equally suitable for anyone wishing to brush up existing skills and aims to help users progress from the basics to understanding, speaking and writing Indonesian with confidence. Key structures and vocabulary are introduced in 24 thematic units progressing from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations to writing a formal letter and business communications. The emphasis is on communication throughout with important language structures introduced through dialogues on the accompanying recording.

There are plenty of exercises to practise the language as it is introduced and tips throughout to help with pronunciation and grammar. Cultural information sections give useful advice and information for anyone planning a trip to Indonesia. Completely updated, the book also now contains tests to enable learners to check their progress and review areas of difficulty, an English-Indonesian vocabulary alongside the existing Indonesian-English one, and a "taking it further" section to direct reader to further sources of real Indonesian.

Hodder Educational, 2003
24,10 Euro
2 Audio-CDs, 150 Min.
ISBN: 978-0-340-84754-1

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