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Sprachwelt.de - Sprachen (A-Z) - Hebräisch - Hebräische Grammatik

Edna Amir Coffin, Shmuel Bolozky
Reference Grammars
A Reference Grammar of Modern Hebrew

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A Reference Grammar of Modern Hebrew provides a clearly-structured and accessible guide to all aspects of contemporary Hebrew grammar. Systematically organised, it presents the basic structures of the language, looking at grammatical categories, phrases, expressions, and the construction of clauses and sentences.

Drawing on their extensive experience of teaching Hebrew to English-speaking students, the authors also provide a wide range of examples to illustrate each point, and introduce in a clear and accessible way the writing and pronunciation of the language, its punctuation rules, and its use in context. Wherever possible, equivalent Hebrew terminology is given to facilitate students' use of Hebrew language textbooks. Specialised linguistic terminology is kept to a minimum, and verb and noun tables are provided as well as a comprehensive index of terms, making this both a useful teaching resource and an easy-to-use reference tool for those wishing to look up specific details of the language.

Cambridge University Press, 2005, 462 S.
31,40 Euro
Broschiert, in englischer Sprache
ISBN: 978-0-521-52733-0

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