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Sprachwelt.de - Weltsprachen (Top 12) - Französisch - Französisch Fachwörterbücher

Internationale Forschungsgemeinschaft für Mechanische Produktionstechnik (Hrsg.)
Umformtechnik 2 / Metal Forming 2 / Formage 2
Wörterbuch der Fertigungstechnik, Band 1/2

Bild zum zum Vergrößern anklicken!

This book is part of a tri-lingual dictionary of production engineering compiled under the auspices of the International Institution of Production Engineering Research (C.I.R.P.) headquartered in Paris. The first two volumes contain about 3400 terms for metal forming. This volume contains the terminology related to the following chapters: Rolling; Drawing and Extrusion.

Definitions are provided for nearly all terms, and illustrations are included where needed. In addition, reference is made to national and international standards. Alphabetical indices in each of the three languages provide easy access to the entries.

Written for:
Production engineers in industry, technical translators

  • Production engineering
  • Produktionstechnik

Springer Berlin, 2002, 416 S.
213,95 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-61889-8

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