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Sprachwelt.de - Weltsprachen (Top 12) - Englisch - Englisch für Mediziner

Sergio Mejía, Ramon Ribes
Cardiological English

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This book is the fourth manual of a series of medical English books aimed at medical specialists. It is an introduction to cardiological English and intends to help all those who need to use professional English but do not speak it on a day-to-day basis.

The multiplicity of cardiological tests and therapeutical procedures demands a sound knowledge of cardiovascular English and can be extremely demanding for non-native English speaking cardiologists, cardiology residents, nurses, and medical students.

Written for:
  • Cardiologists, cardiology residents, nurses, medical students

Springer Berlin, 2008, 250 S.
26,70 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-73141-2

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