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Sprachwelt.de - Weltsprachen (Top 12) - Englisch - Englisch Fachwörterbücher - Fachwörterbücher Architektur & Bauwesen

Gerald Routschka
Feuerfest und Feuerfestbau Wörterbuch / Dictionary of refractory and refractory engineering
Deutsch-Englisch /Englisch-Deutsch, ca. 4.000 Begriffe

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Das Wörterbuch enthält ca. 4.000 Begriffe aus dem Bereich der feuerfesten Werkstoffe, der Feuerfesttechnik und dem üblichen technischen Sprachsatz.

The necessary edition offered the possibility to add new terms especially from the field of refractory engineering. The title was correspondingly change to 'Dictionary of refractory and refractory engineering'. This dictionary contains now approximately 5.500 terms from the special field of refractory materials, their testing and use and standard technical vocabulary. At the end there is a list of dictionaries focusing on related fields and technology. Furthermore, a list of CD-ROMs with terms used in the ceramic industry (German, English) and refractory industry (5 languages) is given. Further mention is made of cover-to-cover translations of books on refractory materials and refractory engineering as well as European Standards (CEN) for refractories available in English, German and French. These Standards are of great assistance to learn the English or German technical terms in the refractory field.

Vulkan Verlag, 2006, 364 S.
35,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-8027-3156-3

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