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Jonathan Law (Hrsg.)
Oxford Dictionary of Business and Management
7.000 entries

Bild zum zum Vergrößern anklicken!

  • 7,000 entries - 200 new to this edition
  • Covers all areas of business and management, including marketing, organizational behaviour, business strategy, law, international finance, and taxation
  • Dispels modern financial and management jargon, defining entries in a clear, concise, and accessible manner
  • Up-to-date coverage of fast-changing fields, including the new Companies Act, Internet business, private equity, and structured finance and the associated subprime lending crisis
  • Recommended web links for many entries, accessible and kept up to date via the Dictionary of Business and Management companion website

New to this edition
  • Fully revised and updated content
  • 200 new entries
  • Full coverage of the important new Companies Act
  • Expanded coverage of modern financial jargon, strategic management, and human resources
  • Recommended web links for many entries, accessible and kept up to date via the Dictionary of Business and Management companion website

This wide-ranging and authoritative dictionary contains 7,000 entries covering all areas of business and management, including marketing, organizational behaviour, business strategy, law, and taxation. Written by a team of experts, it features the very latest terminology, for example, the recent vocabulary associated with structured finance and the associated subprime lending crisis, including collaterized debt obligation and special purpose vehicle.

The new edition of this established bestseller dispels modern financial and management jargon, defining entries in a clear, concise, and accessible manner. It contains US business terms, general management concepts (e.g. competence, knowledge management), named theories (e.g. Tannenbaum and Schmidt, Blake and Mouton) as well as expanded coverage of the contemporary theory of the firm and human resources. New terms are included from the fast-moving areas of current affairs (e.g. MiFID), Internet business and information technology and there is full coverage of the new Companies Act. With recommended web links for many entries, accessible and kept up to date via the Dictionary of Business and Management companion website, this edition is more informative than ever. This A-Z reference work is essential for business students, teachers and professionals, and useful for anyone needing a guide to business terminology.

Students on business and management courses at all levels; business professionals including lawyers, bankers, accountants, advertising agents, and insurance brokers; the general reader looking for clarification of everyday business terms (encountered, for example, in house-buying, tax returns, or share investment).

Oxford University Press, 2009, 568 S.
13,20 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-19-923489-9

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