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Sprachwelt.de - Weltsprachen (Top 12) - Englisch - Englisch Fachwörterbücher

Florian Coulmas (Hrsg.), Claus Harmer (Hrsg.), Matthias Koch (Hrsg.)
Trilingual Glossary of Demographic Terminology

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This glossary is an up-to-date research tool for the study of population in English, Japanese and German. Based on the technical literature, encyclopedias, databases and existing glossaries in the three languages listed as well as other relevant languages in which demographic research is carried out, it comprises more than 7500 technical terms accessible in three directions: English-Japanese-German, Japanese-English-German and German-Japanese-English.

Scientific fields covered include social demography, population geography, political demography, economic demography, historical demography, medical demography, biodemography, mathematical demography, as well as some adjacent fields such as psychology, law, technology, religion, linguistics and education.

Der Herausgeber
Florian Coulmas, Ph.D. (1978), is Director of the German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo. He has compiled two dictionaries and published widely about Japanese society and culture. He is one of the editors of The Demographic Challenge: A Handbook about Japan (forthcoming).

Der Herausgeber
Claus Harmer is system administrator at the German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo. He has developed and programmed several databanks and virtual exhibitions containing social scientific research data.

Der Herausgeber
Matthias Koch, Ph.D. (1997), is Senior Researcher in Social and Economic History at the German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo. He has published widely in the area of Japanese Studies and is currently writing a book on the population history of Japan.

Brill, 2007, 926 S.
166,90 Euro
ISBN: 978-90-04-15476-6

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