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Sprachwelt.de - Lektüre - Lektüre zum Chinesisch lernen

Shi Ji
Graded Chinese Reader, Vol.1 (w. MP3-CD)
Selected, Abridged Chinese Contemporary Short Stories

Bild zum zum Vergrößern anklicken!

  • Abridged versions of short stories and novella written by contemporary Chinese writers reflecting everyday life of ordinary Chinese people
  • The book contains around 2000 Chinese words based on the 1033 words of Level A and some of Level B listed in the HSK (The Chinese Proficiency Test) outline
  • Concise and short sentences with complete structure, commonly used words in high frequency
  • Pinyin added to the complete text and English notes or sample sentences for difficult words and sentences provided
  • Guide to reading and About the author in English and Questions in Chinese are provided with each story
  • With original illustrations for each story and narration included with CD (mp3)

  • People’s Fish (originally written by Su Tong) describes the changes over twenty years of two ordinary Chinese families through happenings related to fish.
  • What Happened in the Park (originally written by Wang Huaiyu) Depicts the Chinese concept of "face" through the story of a fight between two college students.
  • A Spring Evening (originally written by Qiu Shanshan) reflects the current situations of white-collar women through a public relations dinner.
  • Good Morning Beijing (originally written by Xu Kun) is the story of a Beijinger receiving relatives from the countryside reflecting different life concepts.
  • The Beauty of Ice and Snow (originally written by Mo Yan) tells the story of a girl’s tragedy in a small town o f northern China.
  • Love Story (originally written by Yu Hua) is the story of a young couple from the beginning of their strong affection to the domestic feeling of their love.

Bild zum zum Vergrößern anklicken!

Die Autorin
Shi Ji is an associate professor at the Chinese Teaching Center of Southwest Jiaotong University. She has been teaching Chinese language courses since 1996 including courses at the Venice University in Italy from November, 2004 to November, 2006. As an experienced teacher of Chinese as a foreign language, she has published a dozen articles.

Sinolingua Beijing, 2007, 258 S.
12,80 Euro
Broschiert, 1 MP3-CD
ISBN: 978-7-80200-374-3

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