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Sprachwelt.de - Weltsprachen (Top 12) - Chinesisch - Chinesisch Lehrwerke

Chongging Zheng, Chun Wang
Chinese Characters in Pictures, Vol. 2

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Most foreigner believe that the characters that make up the Chinese lnaguage are difficult to read or wirte. Yet, the interesting thing about Chinese characters is that their structure and form is closely related to their meaning. Once you get to know the secrets of Chinese characters you wil find them both easy and interesting.

In the two volumes of Chinese Chartacters in Pictures about 200 commonly used Chinese characters are introduced and explanded in terms of their structure and the way it symbolizes their meaning. To assist readers, we also include the stroke order used to wirte characters radicals by which characters are arranged in Chinese dictionaries, and everyday words and phrases formed with the characters.

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Sinolingua Beijing, 2005, 206 S.
13,90 Euro
ISBN: 978-7-80200-102-2

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