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Sprachwelt.de - Weltsprachen (Top 12) - Chinesisch - Chinesisch Lehrwerke

SISA Chinese Culture Center (Hrsg.)
Fun Chinese for Kids, Vol.1+2 (2 Books w. 2 Audio-CDs and 4 cassettes)
First Chinese language textbook für kids!

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Pronunciation, including initials and finals, are taught using funny cartoons. Kids can quickly and easily associate these pictures with Chinese characters.

  • The included cassette tapes of conversations are for centralized training for listening and speaking. Listen to the native speakers accurate pronunciations and tones, and , just like listening to a song, you will learn with your ears first, and eventually be able to speak it out yourself.
  • Detailed descriptions of tones, one of the most important characteristics of the Chinese language, are provided. For every tone many examples are provided for practice, which will introduce natural and accurate pronunciation into childrens ears and mouths.
  • We have listed the rules of tones which make pronunciation much clearer and easier to master.
  • We also use many typical Chinese names as examples so that kids will become familiar with them.
  • Adults who want to learn conversation-oriented instead of grammar oriented Chinese can also begin with this textbook. .
  • Compiled by SISA Chinese Culture Center
  • Mother and child can study together

Adults who want to learn conversation-oriented instead of grammar-oriented Chinese can also begin with this book.

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Sinolingua Beijing, 2004, 182 S.
39,80 Euro
Lesestufe: ab 6 Jahre
Broschiert, Chinesisch-Pinyin-Englisch nebeneinander, + CDs
ISBN: 978-7-80052-929-0

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