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Sprachwelt.de - Weltsprachen (Top 12) - Chinesisch

Michael Schlesier, Muhammad Wolfgang G.A. Schmidt
Chinese Speaker and related Tools
Software für die chinesische Sprachausgabe und das Erstellen von chinesischen Tondateien

Chinese Speaker 1.0.0 (in Chinese: "Zhongguohua Laba Yi Ling Ling") is a new innovative software product written by Dr. Michael Schlesier who also is the author of LesefixPRO 5 ("Fast Reader", a famuos TTS software). It was made in close cooperation with the Computer Research Departement of International Faith Theological Seminary® under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Dr. Muhammad Schmidt.

Chinese Speaker 1.0.0 is intended to be a simple tool and designed to do exactly two things:
  • to read written Simplified Chinese character texts aloud on a computer, and
  • to convert the written Chinese text into a sound file (*.WAV) that can be run on any computer without any special software

Chinese Speaker 1.0.0 Setup includes everything needed to run this software also on Western Windows systems 2000/XP without problems.

You can load Chinese text files written by third parties in the *.DOC, *.HTML and *.TXT file format but you can also create your own provided you have additional Chinese text processing software installed. As Chinese Speaker can only read Chinese texts written in Simplified characters, you may have to convert a text in Traditional Chinese characters into Simplified characters first by using the respective function in your Chinese text processing software.

The Chinese Speech Engine included in our software basically provides for an excellent, hear - natural human language output but may differ slightly in quality according to the user’s hardware components and sound-output related settings of his/her own computer.

This excellent innovative and user-friendly tool has been made for all who study and teach Chinese with the need of adding multi-media features to their the learning process.

Single user licenses will be sold to single users as private persons only. Schools and Institutes need to purchse a multiple-user license.

Der Autor
Muhammad Wolfgang G. A. Schmidt (früher auch: Wolfgang G. A. Schmidt), chinesischer Name Sima Wo. Jahrgang 1950, Studium der Sprachwissenschaften, Sinologie, Afrikanistik, Theologie und Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin an Universitäten in Deutschland und China. Hochschullehrer, langjährige Lehr- und Forschungserfahrung an verschiedenen Universitäten und Hochschulen in Fernost, Afrika und Europa. Sein Forschungs- und Lehrgebiet ist die Geschichte und Wissenschaftssystematik der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin, das er auch als Gastprofessor an verschiedenen Universitäten in Lehre und Forschung vertrat.

 Betriebssystem Windows 2000, Windows XP

Infoprogramm gemäß § 14 JuSchGviademica.verlag berlin, 2005
59,50 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-937494-17-3

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