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Sprachwelt.de - Sprachen (A-Z) - Babyzeichensprache

Monica Beyer
Teach Your Baby to Sign

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Signing has taken the parenting world by storm. Every parent is eager to give their baby the best possible upbringing, the least frustration, and the best head start for achieving in today's driven, competitive society.

Research (funded by the National Institutes of Health in the United States) has found that signing babies talk sooner and have larger vocabularies; have stronger parent/child bonds; have less frustration, crying and tantrums; show more interest in books; engage in more sophisticated play; and have higher IQ scores. Baby signing has been featured on Dateline and Oprah.

"Teach Your Baby to Sign" features photographs of babies signing, plus line illustrations of each sign. It provides 200 useful signs, along with stage-by-stage guidance so parents will know which signs to teach first and which to add as their baby becomes progressively more skilled and comfortable with signing.

Fair Winds Press, 2007
14,10 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-59233-273-1

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