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Bronislaw Pilsudski
The Aborigines of Sakhalin, Band 1
The Collected Works of Bronislaw Pilsudski

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Volume 1, The Aborigines of Sakhalin, contains translations into English of the Polish, Russian and Japanese material on, for example, the history, folklore, economic life, shamanism, sexual life, medical anthropology, and the bear festival which has been published between 1898 and 1936, mainly in local journals which are hardly accessible today. English, French and German articles appear in the original language.

This volume open the edition of "The collected works of Bronislaw Pitsudski", an eminent self-made scholar, whom history has proved to have been one of the most remarkable explorers of the languages and cultures of the small aboriginal peoples inhabiting the island of Sakhalin and the adjacent lower Amur region at the turn of the 20th century: the Sakhalin Ainu, Nivhgu (Gilyaks), Oroks, Olchas, and Nanais. Pitsudski, hardly leaving any importance aspect of their life untouched, presents a versatile and incomparable image of the spiritual and material world of communities long since extinct.

de Gruyter Verlag, 1998, 792 S.
268,00 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-11-010928-3

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